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June 19, 2024 1 min read

Recipe by   fitpro_recipe

Delicious, quick and high protein breakfast or dessert, usingPer4m Carrot Cake Whey!



1 tbsp Coconut Oil

For the batter:

8 Egg Whites

35gPer4m Carrot Cake Whey Protein Powder
75g Oats 

60g Ricotta Cheese 

30g Finely Grated Carrot

½ tsp Ground Cinnamon

A small pinch of Ground Nutmeg
½ tsp Xanthan Gum or Baking Powder

For the frosting:

60g Cream Cheese 

2 tbsps Unsweetened Almond Milk

15gPer4m Carrot Cake Whey Protein Powder

Makes 10 pancakes


First, make the frosting. Place the frosting ingredients in a large bowl. Blend well using a hand-held electric blender. Add a drop more milk if you prefer a runnier topping.
Place the batter ingredients in a blender jug and blend well until thick and creamy.
Optional: Pour into a measuring jug, to help you divide the batter when you pour it into the pan.
Place a small frying pan over a medium flame. Add a small amount of coconut oil, around ⅓ tsp. Tilt the pan so that the oil covers the base.
Pour in around ⅒ of the batter and tilt the pan gently to form a circle.
Cook for 2-3 minutes undisturbed. When small bubbles appear on the surface of the pancake, turn or flip it over.
Cook for 2 minutes or until the underside is golden. Transfer to a plate.
Repeat the above steps with the remaining oil and batter until you have a stack of 10 pancakes.
Serve topped with a spoonful of the frosting.
Optional toppings:
A sprinkle of chopped nuts, grated carrot and honey or maple syrup.
Store any leftover pancakes in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 2 days.